Fashion & Lifestyle: Why shouldn't I be grateful?


Why shouldn't I be grateful?

Sometimes I wonder what I did to get this lucky?

I have the SWEETEST husband who loves me and takes care of me, especially when I am "being a girl" in his words.  Plus he is my best friend in the whole world and we get to be together for ETERNITY :) I love him lots!!
Yes... He is also very sexy!! :) and handsome and charming etc.  ha ha

Did I mention he is always making me laugh? How did I get so lucky?

How could I forget my family? They mean everything to me! I love them so much. I don't know what i would do  without them, especially my parents. :)

These girls... How I love them all. We have all been through so much together!  What a perfect day it was, especially with all my girls!

I could go on forever and ever but I must just remember this....

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XOXO, Mariah