January 2, 2018, I was scheduled to be induced on January 3rd but baby boy has other plans. I was laying in bed at about 7am and felt a gush of fluid and so I ran to the bathroom. Every time I’d stand up more fluid would just drip! I called my mom and told her what happened and she told me my water had most likely broken and to call the hospital. I called and they told me to come in! So we got our stuff and the kids stuff together and Grandma Hopkins came to be with our kids. On the way to the hospital we stopped to get my favorite Pink Drink from Starbucks and headed to the hospital! When you think your water has broken they do a test to check the fluid to see if it actually had broken. My test kept coming back negative! I am literally still so confused by this because I leaked and leaked all morning. It.was.not.pee!! It was like a gush big fluid coming from the place you don’t pee! Haha sorry TMI but it’s true! So I still have no idea what that was! Either way my doctor told the nurses to just keep me. I was a little bummed because with my previous 2 deliveries my doctor had been at the hospital hurrying things along but January 2 (a Tuesday) my doctor was in his clinic and it was the day after a holiday so he was particularly busy! So they really tried to stall me. They would turn off the pitocin if I started progressing trying to wait until the doctor was done in the office at 4 and then got to the hospital! They stalled breaking my water and because of this I had so much pressure! My deliveries are so fast normally! As soon as my water is broken the baby is there. That was no different this time because I was at a 10 when my doctor hurried in the door and broke my water. As soon as that happened I pushed maybe 1 time and at 4:31pm Rome Everett Hopkins entered the world as beautiful as ever! Because my water was broken pretty much as he came out he was not beat up at all. Every single delivery is so amazing and this was no exception. No matter what the whole process is a miracle and the fact that my body grew and delivered a baby just blows my mind. I am so in love with my sweet baby boy. I never know my heart was capable of so much love but with each baby my heart grows and grows.

Worlds best doctor, Dr. Nance! He has delivered all my babies.
I love this so much!!
THIS!! So sweet.
We love you so much, Rome Everett Hopkins!