Fashion & Lifestyle: Last Minute Christmas Candy!! :)


Last Minute Christmas Candy!! :)

This weekend has been quite the weekend so far! Thursday night we went to our friend and Robs co worker Noah's house! He has a hot tub, it was my idea but I wanted to go hot tubbing. It was SO windy but we decided to tough it out anyway. We sat in the hot tub for about 30 minutes and I said was going inside. Noah, and my friend Hilary followed right behind me and my husband and his friend were putting the top on the hot tub. Well as soon as i got inside I got super dizzy probably from being hot then cold and I completely passed out and hit my head on the tile, then I started shaking (like i was having a seizer) embarrassing right? I really was so embarrassed when I woke up. I scared Hilary and Noah I feel so bad! I landed on my right side so my right shoulder, ear, head and eyes KILL! Turns out I got a concussion.. So I have been trying to take it easy but it is hard when it is the weekend before Christmas and I had so much to get done today! Yesterday my friend Hilary came over and helped me make Christmas candy, i didnt make as much as I wanted but I just wasnt feeling up to it! Here is the finish Chrismas Candy :)

They were super simple!! :)  Thanks for stopping in! I hope you all have a GREAT Christmas!:) 

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XOXO, Mariah