Fashion & Lifestyle: Easy Homemade Baby Food


Easy Homemade Baby Food

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Infantino Squeeze Station - Squeeze Pouches - Attachable Spoon all found on Amazon for under $33. STEAL!!

You guys! I was feeling extra domestic and decided to make homemade baby food. That and I bought some last week and realized I could make it for way cheaper (I hate that word) and I would know exactly what was in Krew's food. So I got on Babies R Us and looked at some different baby food makers they had. I found the one above but decided to check it out on Amazon and actually ended up getting it for an even better price. I really like the pouches that you can attach a spoon to, for convenience purposes and they are so nice when you are on the go which we are often. I don't feel like there is any specific recipe for my baby food, I was kind of just mixing and adding breast milk until it was the consistency that a baby should be eating at Krew's age. Technically the doctor said he doesn't NEED the baby food until he is 6 months old but as I watched him I felt like he needed more food and he has done very well with it for the last month. Here is what I used:

Breast Milk or Water (I used breast milk for the extra calories)
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans

I did a batch of Peas, Carrots/Peas/Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes/Corn (Krew's Favorite!!), and Plums/Pears/Bananas. I literally spent $15 on all the food and made 34, 4 oz pouches. THAT IS SO GOOD! I saved so much money. The pouches I was buying were about $1.40 a piece for a 3.5 oz pouch. However, I will keep a few of the store bought ones in my diaper bag if I am out an about without the homemade food. The only thing I would have done different is take more of the skin off of the plums. It still blended pretty good but I had to blend it for a long time! I am no expert by any means but this was way worth it and only took a couple hours. It would have probably only taken an hour but I was tending to my babies needs while making all of the baby food. I wasn't even mad about that either, I mean how could I be. He melts my heart!


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XOXO, Mariah