Fashion & Lifestyle: Adalyn Iverson - My new niece! :)


Adalyn Iverson - My new niece! :)

I had to show off my new niece Adalyn. I am such a proud aunt and I just love her so much! My sister was supposed to have a c section on Tuesday August 26th but baby girl did not want to wait that long and surprised us all. She went to the hospital on the 20th because she was having quite a bit of contractions and about 30 minutes to an hour later Adalyn came out with no epidural or anything catching everyone off guard! It is a miracle really, the doctors said she would never be able to deliver natural and boy did she prove them wrong! We are so happy as a whole family to have another little baby bless our family. :)

I had to add this picture below, even though Adalyn was hungry and not excited for this picture we had to do a picture of the new babies. Adalyn was 3 days old and Braylin was 7 weeks in this picture! We didn't all plan to have babies so close, it just kind of happened!! :)

Don't forget to enter into the Pink Blush Maternity giveaway!

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XOXO, Mariah